'International Performance Conference 0:5' held by the S.V.T. in Jerusalem.
Co-produced by FEST'FACTORY Bat Yam Artists Compound Israel
WHY AM I STYING HERE? I למה אני נשארת כאן?
Work Big, explores what dance and performance can mean in contemporary life, its interested in what kind of impact questions have, and how they can influence the modern spectators as they take part in the theatrical experience. Six female performers represent six essential motivations that exist within all of us. It is a self-driving relationship intended in taking oneself to a better sense of realization. They ask themselves time and again why did they come here and what do they all mean? What is their role? and which one of their own; Pain, freedom, control, time, sexuality, or fear, will prevail and lead me-them-us to happiness and fulfillment.
A look at the evolution of form, (also of becoming a mother) allows to visually follow how objects and still acts, as they were, emerge from one another. this ongoing body exhibition offers moments of contemplation, encouraging a re-examination of our own positions within things, homes, and systems. From nothing - to making - from no time - to arranging and imagining a matriarchal colony. Objects, physical positions, and experiences are woven together, treading the line between imagination, emergence, and reality, drawing on conversational mythologies, everyday childcare experiences, and found objects.